2/2/25 - This site is an archive of past blog posts and media. All new updates will be found at Hope you visit us there.

Tagged: Restore

Shopping at Costco

New Milestones (Restore)

Jasmine and Justice are nearly 11 months old. It’s an exciting yet challenging time in our household. They are starting to stand and to make baby...

Mommy's Birthday 2010

Happy Birthday Mommy! (Restore)

Today is Ebru’s birthday!  Not only is it her birthday, but it’s her first birthday as a mommy.  Woo hoo!  Today we started the day with weekend ritual to Panera Bread. ...

Black and White

17-Months and Counting (Restore)

This has to be the longest 17-months ever! Justice and Jasmine have been great in some respects such as eating, keeping occupied with each other, and learning...

Me and Mommy

A Day in the City (Restore)

Last weekend we had a wonderful time in San Francisco.  It was the first time Justice and Jasmine got to visit Grandma at her resting place...

Car Seats

Kids Aren’t Cheap! (Restore)

For those of you that know me I have always been a gadget freak!  I love all new high tech innovations and gadgetry.  I’ve always been...

Jasmine and Justice

Fallen from Grace (Restore)

In a past life I thought I was doing everything right.  I prayed, I helped, and I did most things in the name of the Lord.  I...

Daddy and Justice

Best and Worse Month (Restore)

It’s been awhile since my last post.  Justice and Jasmine have kept us very busy.  This is their 4 and 1/2 month.  In some cases it has...


Half Way There! (Restore)

Last week they officially passed their 6 month milestone!  Wednesday they go for the 6 month immunization shots and check up.  We’re guessing that they are about 16lbs...

Holiday 2009

Happy New Year 2010! (Restore)

Before we get into the New Year, we’d just like to take a moment to reflect on 2009.  It was a year of ups and downs. ...

The Secret Language of Birthdays

About Leos (Restore)

A good blogger friend, ‘Another Maria‘ was kind enough to translate Justice and Jasmine’s horoscope based on their date and time of birth.  Here is the...


Justice Raw! (Restore)

For the last several month Ebru and I have been making a game of what traits Justice and Jasmine have from one of us.  As far...