2/2/25 - This site is an archive of past blog posts and media. All new updates will be found at Hope you visit us there.

Category: Family

Daddy and Justice

Best and Worse Month (Restore)

It’s been awhile since my last post.  Justice and Jasmine have kept us very busy.  This is their 4 and 1/2 month.  In some cases it has...


Half Way There! (Restore)

Last week they officially passed their 6 month milestone!  Wednesday they go for the 6 month immunization shots and check up.  We’re guessing that they are about 16lbs...


Justice Raw! (Restore)

For the last several month Ebru and I have been making a game of what traits Justice and Jasmine have from one of us.  As far...

Praying Hands

Hello God? (Restore)

Since Jasmine and Justice were born I think I have spoken to God more times than I could count on their little fingers and toes.  For now...

3 1/2 Months

Personally Speaking (Restore)

After 3 1/2 months we have come to know Jasmine and Justice personality types. One well known example of personality types is Type A theory. According to this...


Happy 3 Months! (Restore)

Well I wish I could honestly say it has been a happy 3 months.  It’s been more like a tiring 3 months if you ask me.  We are still waiting...

10-Weeks Young

Remember When? (Restore)

Dearest Jasmine and Justice, You are too young to remember this, but just know at 10 weeks old your mom and I had a tough time with...

Jasmine at Panera

New Beginnings (Restore)

Justice and Jasmine are about to hit their 8-month milestone.  I say it’s a milestone because this month has been a month of changes, not because...

SF RV Park

Growing Like Weeds (Restore)

Since my last post over a month ago a lot has happened with Justice and Jasmine.  Some good, some not so good.  First with the good....

Justice After Shot

Justice Speaks! (Restore)

Finally Justice’s baby babble has turned into recognizable speech.  At 6 months and 10 days Justice finally said ‘Dada!’.  He repeated it enough times for us to...

Under the weather

Parenthood 101 (Restore)

It’s only been 2 months into parenthood and we’re burnt!  Grandma left last Saturday so this is the first week that we have had Jasmine and...

Birthday Bash

Birthday Bash! (Restore)

Jasmine and Justice’s 1st birthday is here and gone. We celebrated their big day at home with just a few good friends and family. I am...