2/2/25 - This site is an archive of past blog posts and media. All new updates will be found at Hope you visit us there.

Category: Family

Rich, Dad, and Me

CYA Dad!

Today I got the news that Dad passed away.  My initial reaction was relief for him.  He’s in a better place and now without pain.  For...

Birsen and Ebru

Birsen Visits the US

Week of July 17 Ebru’s friend Birsen is in town for 2 weeks.  She is visiting us all the way from Istanbul, Turkey.  While she’s here...

Lake Francis Camping

Lake Francis Camping

Last weekend we went camping with some friends from high school.  It was Justice and Jasmine’s second time.  The first time they went camping was September...

Coral Baja

Cabo San Lucas 2011

Our first vacation of the year was to Cabo San Lucas.  I consider this our first vacation because we took a plane out of the country....

Jasmine Cool Cuts

Jasmine Speaks!

Jasmine continues to surprise us!  As she approaches 21-months we are noticing some significant changes.  First of all she is more interactive with us and with...

Raley Field

Mommy and Me Day

Thanks to the folks at Good Day Sacramento for posting the ‘Mommy and Me Day’ at Raley Field.  With free parking and free admission it was...

Shopping at Costco

New Milestones (Restore)

Jasmine and Justice are nearly 11 months old. It’s an exciting yet challenging time in our household. They are starting to stand and to make baby...

Mommy's Birthday 2010

Happy Birthday Mommy! (Restore)

Today is Ebru’s birthday!  Not only is it her birthday, but it’s her first birthday as a mommy.  Woo hoo!  Today we started the day with weekend ritual to Panera Bread. ...

Black and White

17-Months and Counting (Restore)

This has to be the longest 17-months ever! Justice and Jasmine have been great in some respects such as eating, keeping occupied with each other, and learning...

Me and Mommy

A Day in the City (Restore)

Last weekend we had a wonderful time in San Francisco.  It was the first time Justice and Jasmine got to visit Grandma at her resting place...