2/2/25 - This site is an archive of past blog posts and media. All new updates will be found at Hope you visit us there.

Nispiros Portal - A Dad's Diary

Help Has Arrived!

After months of agonizing we finally have some help with the kids.  Through this website called, ‘‘ we can hire babysitters at anytime. So far the...

Me, Ebru, Serene, Rich

We Are Family

This past Holiday was better than I expected. Every year we rotate where we spend the holidays. Thanksgiving was at my brother Rich’s house.  Christmas Eve...


Holiday Blues

As much as there is to be thankful for, there are also things to be sad about during the Holidays.  In our case, it will be...


If It’s Important To You…

This is the second and last installment on ‘importance’.  The first can be found here – What I Am Thankful For. A wise person once said to...


What I Am Thankful For

The obvious thing I am thankful for is my family.  Of course without them my life would be meaningless.  But in reality, I am really thankful...

Jasmine at Jamba Juice

What A Difference A Day Makes

My kids never cease to amaze me.  They learn new things everyday.  Some good, some not so good.  But whether it be good or bad tells...

Jasmine as Snow White

Halloween 2011

Here are our pictures from Halloween. This year we strolled with our neighbors. We couldn’t believe how many people were out tonight. Jasmine was Snow White...

Justice showing his choppers

Are We There Yet?

Before we had the kids we were busy as it is.  Now with the kids we just have no time at all.  In fact, there is...

Azra Karaduman

Miracle Survivor from Turkey Earthquake

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Turkey. We are not strangers to earthquakes.  In San Francisco, we experienced earthquakes all the time....

Dentist Visit

From Bad to Worse

I am really hoping that this Terrible Two phase get over with quickly.  I am not sure how much more I can take of this.  Day...