2/2/25 - This site is an archive of past blog posts and media. All new updates will be found at Hope you visit us there.

Tagged: Justice

Father’s Day 2022

Today was a nice peaceful day. The weather was perfect and so it was a good day to be outdoors. Just like for Mother’s Day, we...

Living During the Pandemic

For more than 2 years we’ve had our eyes and ears glued to the TV to understand the current status of Coronavirus and its mutations. I...

Christmas 2021

It’s been a long two days lol. This year we celebrated Christmas right at 12AM on 12/25. Normally, we celebrate Christmas on Christmas morning. But on...

Happy Holidays 2021

Now that the family is fully vaccinated, we feel a little more comfortable in going out. We still mask anytime we are around people. With this...

Hula Holiday 2019

Every since Jasmine and Sophia joined hula, the hula group has been hosting Halloween and Christmas parties for all the families. This was the first even...

Our Little Celebrity

Every Sunday morning our routine is to hang out in our bed with the kids, make breakfast and watch GoodDay Sacramento. As part of their segment,...

Young YouTubers

Recently, the kids started to watch a lot of YouTube. They use YouTube to help them with video games, to help them build things, and find...

Promotion and Awards Month

This month as a good month for the kids. First of all Justice got a peer recognized award for ‘Most Creative’. Second Jasmine got a teacher...

Higher Standards

Ever since our kids have been attending elementary school we have had to reach back in our memory banks just to help our kids with homework....

Paper doll homework

Kindergarten 101

I wish I could say that I remember my Kindergarten days, but I can’t.  I know I wasn’t the best student, at least not at that...

First week at Kindergarten

School Days

This week Justice and Jasmine started Kindergarten.  It’s an exciting yet scary time.  It’s exciting because they are finally starting school. We are happy that they are in...