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Miracle Survivor from Turkey Earthquake

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Turkey. We are not strangers to earthquakes.  In San Francisco, we experienced earthquakes all the time.  Although I do not remember experiencing close to the 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Ercis, Turkey, but I do remember the fear that earthquakes brought under my feet.  I am glad that we are living under more solid ground now.

But for the people of Ercis, this devastation will be remembered for a very long time.  People are still being dug out of the gravel, including this miracle survivor, a 2-week old baby Azra Karaduman. God bless her and her family.  Luckily her mother and grandmother survived.  They are still looking for Azra’s father.

Azra Karaduman

Azra Karaduman



Just a wanna be blogger. Father of twins +1. Caviar dreams on a McDonald's budget.

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