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Category: Lessons


Conversations with Mom

Well, my mom may not be so famous, but her words of wisdom are finally making full circle.  Here are some words of wisdom, which at...


Be Different

Assuming we get through Judgement Day tomorrow, which is May 21, 2011, then you have an opportunity to be different.  Just the fact that you are...

Jasmine collecting candy


If there is one thing that Filipino’s like to, it’s to party.  I remember growing up, it seemed that we had parties every weekend.  My parents...

Devil in the details

The Devil is in the Details (Restore)

I learning something in college called ‘instant gratification’.  At the time it was used to explain why Filipinos were not in politics here in the States. ...

Willie Mays

Home Run! (Restore)

If there is anyone who loved baseball in our family, it was my grandmother (Lola), RIP.  She loved it with a passion!  She didn’t miss a...


What Defines You? (Restore)

For the last 45 years I have been trying to answer this question.  So far I haven’t been that successful.  I do, however, know what does not define...

Know Thyself

Know Thyself (Restore)

So far I have talked about lessons from my Dad, Mother, Grandma, and Brothers. This one comes from me. It is lesson that took me a...

Jennifer Connelly

Wear It Well (Restore)

Through out my adulthood I have always tried to keep up with fashion. It was sort of an experiment. There was some styles that were just...

Justice and Betsy

Pick Your Friends (Restore)

Have you ever heard the saying, “True friends are like diamonds precious but rare. Fake friends are like fall leaves found everywhere.”? It’s true. Mom used...

Take Out Trash

Follow Through (Restore)

I know this is easier said than done, but you should always follow through on your commitments. If you say something, then you should do it....