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Home Run! (Restore)

Willie Mays

If there is anyone who loved baseball in our family, it was my grandmother (Lola), RIP.  She loved it with a passion!  She didn’t miss a single game that I could remember.  You’d think my grandfather (Lolo) would like the game more just because he’s a guy, but he didn’t.  He still loved the game, he just wasn’t as passionate as Lola.

Believe it or not, when I lived with my grandparents we didn’t even have a TV.  We listened to the baseball game through an old fashion radio the size of love sofa.  It was a gorgeous radio with a sliding front cover, lighted dials, built in speakers, and good quality wood.  God forbid if that radio ever broke down during a game.

If we were driving somewhere she’d tune in to the ball game.  Lolo was wise enough to drive cause of Lola drove, she’d probably get into an accident just because she was so focused on the game.

When we finally got one of those furniture looking TV sets it made the game even more exciting for her.  She could see her favorite players in action, in color, and in surround sound.  The team she rooted for was the San Francisco Giants.  One of her favorite players was Willie Mays.

I still remember the excitement I’d hear when someone would make a home run or the disgust if someone made an error.  She’d shout, she’d scream, she’d be umpiring right in front of the TV, lol.  She knew more about baseball than anyone I knew and she had a passion for it.  She never played, at least not that I know of.  I’m sure she would have made a great coach though.

If there is anything I learned from Lola is that you’ve got to be passionate about something.  What’s your passion?

See the rest of our Nispiros Portal Lessons.




Just a wanna be blogger. Father of twins +1. Caviar dreams on a McDonald's budget.

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