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Terrible 2’s x 2

Jasmine with attitude

Jasmine with attitude

It is so funny when people say, ‘oh how cute, twins’. The non-parents just have no clue.  My quite inner voice just wants to rip their heads off!  But instead I smile and give my standard response, ‘thank you’.

A few months ago I thought Justice and Jasmine were in their ‘terrible 2’s‘.  I think back then it was not exactly full blown terrible 2’s.  This week, however, they have demonstrated the full wrath of this so called development stage. The temper tantrums and crying outburst are just crazy!

On one hand it is great to seem them express themselves, but on the other hand, you just wanna slap them lol.  The things about twins is that they feed off of each other.  If one cries, then the other will probably do the same.  If one throws their sippy cup off the table, then the other will definitely do the same.   We really have the terrible 2’s x 2!

I do not know what to expect next, but what I can say is that it hasn’t been easy on us.  We admit we are still parent newbies and we’re still learning.  We have go by our instincts and our past experiences.  Sometimes it’s a hit and other times it’s a miss.  But in either case, we are trying the best we can.

Yee haw Justice

Yee haw Justice

With no one else to turn to, we have to choice but to hang on for dear life! We have to hold our breath and count to 10 and hope they just calm down.  We are not violet people, but don’t tempt us lol.  We now know exactly why people snap, but because of kids who drive you crazy!  Then you multiple that by 2!

To be fair, they are awesome kids when they are not complaining about something.  I notice that when I loosen the reins, they are more happy, but I am more stressed because of the ‘unknown’.  I put trust in them with the expectation that that trust will be broken or misunderstood or not even heard.  I guess this is a learning lesson that parents have to go through for themselves.

Here is our recent trip to Six Flags in Vallejo where they they were less than perfect, but happy as can be.

Six Flags August 2011 from Rolando Nispiros on Vimeo.

We are definitely blessed to have them and we are blessed for their health.  Now I just wish someone would bless us with more time to regain our sanity during the tough times.  God help us!



Just a wanna be blogger. Father of twins +1. Caviar dreams on a McDonald's budget.

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