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Social Media Taking Over Blogging

Social Media

Social Media

Everywhere you turn social media is there.  Almost every website and business now has a Facebook and Twitter page. Almost every person has the same.  Gone are the days of blogging.  Not because of lack of interest, but because it is easier and faster to post on social media sites.

Smart phones are not helping bloggers either, myself included.  It is so easy now-a-days to just point, shoot, and upload to Facebook, Twitter, and other photo sharing sites.  Tablets are in the same category.  Who needs a computer anymore?  No one has time to sit down and blog.  It’s all about being portable.

While it is still my intent to keep a diary of Justice and Jasmine’s life, I am too busy taking care of them, working, and managing everything else to sit down and clear my mind so I can blog again.  I did take a break during the Lent season to keep off the social media sites, but now that Lent and Easter are long gone, it’s time to get back to work on

I am actually quite surprised that I kept the current theme on this site for this long.  I normally change themes as frequently as I change my underwear lol.  Now that I am satisfied, at least for the moment, I can concentrate on content.

What is so appealing about social media sites, especially Facebook in my case, is that all my friends are there.  I can post a picture or status, and know that there always someone online to provide immediate feedback.  Unlike here, I can make a post and it will just sit here for days or weeks without comments.  This, of course is my fault because I do not have time to reciprocate the same to other blogger sites.  Because of the ease and immediate gratification of comment love on Facebook, blogging seems to be doomed.

Unless you are a reporter or writer who blogs for a living, then you are stuck.  For us everyday common folk it’s so much faster to report the news around us on social media sites.  You can see from this Google search how social media sites are taking over traditional reporting.

Maybe it’s just me, but do you bloggers notice a significant decrease in comments/traffic due to social media sites and cross posting?




Just a wanna be blogger. Father of twins +1. Caviar dreams on a McDonald's budget.

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1 Response

  1. nispiros says:

    Thanks Kelzie. It is interesting seeing them develop.