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School Days

First week at Kindergarten

First week at Kindergarten

This week Justice and Jasmine started Kindergarten.  It’s an exciting yet scary time.  It’s exciting because they are finally starting school. We are happy that they are in a learning environment where they will learn something valuable for their future.  Even on their first day, they came home excited and talked about their school experience.

It’s scary on the the other hand because for about 4 hours a day, they are out of our physical space.  We have to rely on the school system and good intentions of the teachers (and other kids), to keep them safe.  We are hopeful that they will learn at the same or higher level compared to the other kids.  On the first day, for instance, we saw kids who can already write their names!  Justice and Jasmine are no where near that level.

At this point we are relying on their teachers to get them up to speed.  We trust that they will.

This new milestone has changed our nightly activities.  We are used to having dinner, then watching TV, or playing computer games, then going to sleep around 10:30 pm.  Now, we have to do homework, get their clothes and lunch ready, and sleep earlier.

Of course our morning activities have changed to.  We all have to wake up an hour or two earlier to feed and get them ready for school.  Even though the school is only a 1 minute drive or 15 minute walk, we still have to get there early to find parking and to ensure they get into class. There are so many kids and parents, they could easily get lost.

Our babysitter is also impacted.  Now she has to pick them up from school with Sophia in stride.  Good thing we have a stroller that fits are three of them.

While it’s still early, we have yet to see the full benefits/impact of Justice and Jasmine’s going to school. It is a mental shift for us as well.  Now we have to think of ourselves as parents with school kids. That means thinking about school events, volunteering, and supporting the school with our time and our resources.  It means getting to know the teachers, other parents, and their kids.  It’s a whole new world now.

God help us!



Just a wanna be blogger. Father of twins +1. Caviar dreams on a McDonald's budget.

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