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Kids Aren’t Cheap! (Restore)

Kelty Carrier

For those of you that know me I have always been a gadget freak!  I love all new high tech innovations and gadgetry.  I’ve always been one of the first to jump on the technology bandwagon.  The toy industry is no different from my old world of toys and devices.  What is different is that we have to get two of everything, at least for most things.  It’s not cheap.

Car Seats

Car Seats

Take for example the new baby carriers we just picked up.  We were at Goore’s this weekend and saw this really cool baby backpack carrier I just had to get.  It’s made by Kelty version FC 3.0.  It has all these storage compartments, it’s light, and it comes with a changing pad and a sun shade.  Very cool.  Not cheap.

From Ebru picked up a Ergo Baby Carrier.  Luckily she got her pack on sale.  What’s cool about her pack is that you can carry the baby on the front, back, or side.  Hopefully, this will be easier on her back compared to the Bjorn carrier that we have.

Yakima Skybox

Yakima Skybox

These are just a few of the items we have picked up since they were born and they are not even a year old yet.  In preparation for the items I know we will be carrying in the future I also picked up a Yakima Skybox Low Pro Carrier for my truck.  On a normal weekend, the trunk fills up to capacity.  The double stroller takes about 50% of the room.  Their toys and other accessories take up another 20%.  So I HAD to get this carrier lol.

In addition to the cargo box I also picked up a baby trailer for my bike.  This thing is pretty cool.  It fits 2 kids, has plenty of storage, and can convert into a baby stroller.  Now I can take them to other places, not just to the local park.  They have a whole new world of scenery and exploration.  Just hope I’m fit enough to pull them to those type of places.

I’m sure I could have found these items cheaper at eBay or Craigslist, but I am not the kind to buy things second hand especially not items that involve carrying the kids.

Definitely not looking forward to back to school shopping, double tuitions, and double masters lol.

It’s fun now while they are still young, but if they are anything like me, they will want the latest and greatest toys too.  We NEED to start playing the lottery.

I’m telling you, kids aren’t cheap!




Just a wanna be blogger. Father of twins +1. Caviar dreams on a McDonald's budget.

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