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Eye Got You!

Justice and Jasmine have this new game, it’s sort of like tag.  When they touch you they say, ‘I got you!’.  It’s all fun until someone gets hurt.  This Sunday was just that time.  I guess Justice took the “I” and made it an “eye”.  While playing their game Justice poked Jasmine in her left eye.  At least that’s what we can safely assume since Justice does a lot of Kung Fu Panda moves.  We thought it was nothing, but Jasmine continued to complain about her eyes even hours after the incident.

We decided to take her to Kaiser Emergency at 10:22PM.  At 11:05PM we finally saw the doctor.  At 11:22 we got the doctor and a nurse to help out.  To diagnose the problem the doctor had to drop some numbing drops into her eye and then another neon drops that would show any damage.  As it turns out the neon drops showed that she had a cornea abrasion.  I could see it myself.  It was a cut about 1/4″ long across the bottom of her iris.  No wonder she was in pain.

We didn’t get home until way after midnight.  It was a long day to say the least.

The next day we went back to Kaiser for a follow and to get some eye patches because she was still rubbing her eye.  After a long nap, she felt better.  We also got some prescription drops to stop any infection.  Hopefully it will be better in the next day or so.

Here is what Jasmine looked like at the hospital that night.



Just a wanna be blogger. Father of twins +1. Caviar dreams on a McDonald's budget.

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