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CYA Dad!

Rich, Dad, and Me

Rich, Dad, and Me

Today I got the news that Dad passed away.  My initial reaction was relief for him.  He’s in a better place and now without pain.  For months I could see him deteriorating.  When we talked on the phone our time was less and less.  He always seemed tired.  But deep inside he knew that we wanted to keep in touch.  I was ok with that so long as I got to hear his voice too.

It’s unfortunate that Justice and Jasmine won’t get a chance to meet him.  I’m sure they would have made him laugh.  But all is not lost.  I will continue to pass on our family values and lessons.  I’m sure I will mix it up a little and give some of my own wisdom.

I am not sure when I will get to the next phase of ‘loss’, but it won’t be pretty.  Dad was a good man with good intentions.  He had a big heart and was very generous to those he trusted.  There will be a big void in the world he left behind.

CYA Dad, until we meet again.  Love you.

Your loving son,



Just a wanna be blogger. Father of twins +1. Caviar dreams on a McDonald's budget.

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