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A Day at the Beach

Yesterday was a beautiful day at Stinson Beach.  It was sunny and warm and the beach was lined with people.  I was amazed because the last time I was there it was cold and windy.   I was not expecting this great weather.  The water, however, was cold but we got easily accustomed to it.

The last half-hour of the drive was through some very windy and narrow roads.  We took the truck there so driving was a little hairy at times.  Nevertheless, we got in one piece. Once we got closer to the beach we could see the crowd of people on the beach with their umbrellas and beach balls.  We couldn’t wait to park.  But we soon learned it was not going to be so easy on this beautiful day.

When we got to the entrance of the beach it was closed off with a big sign that said, ‘FULL’.  We had to circle around the nearby neighbors for other choices with no luck.  So we decided to go back to the entrance to see and beg us to get in at least to drop off the kids and our stuff.  Luckily, the sign was gone and we were able to park with no problem.  We parked and quickly got situated on the beach.  I returned to the car for our belongs so we could enjoy our day.

I still could not get over the great weather and the amount of people there.  It was definitely not San Francisco standards that I was used to seeing.  The sand was hot to walk on and so I was thankful for my sandals.  It took a good 10-15 minutes before Justice and Jasmine settled down and really started to play.  At first they were like, ‘where are we and who are all these people?’.  At least that’s what I think was going on in their minds.

We brought their beach bucket and shovels to play with.  We collected rocks and some shells and even took a walk along the beach.  It was a great day at the beach!

Justice loved with play in the sand.  We learned quickly that eating on the beach is a challenge.  We forgot that Justice likes to examine his food by taking it out of his mouth.  At home that works fine, but at the beach with hands covered with sand, that’s not so good.

Jasmine had a good time too.  She equally like the sand and water as well as the local birds.  Food-wise she was ok.  She sat in her chair like a good little girl.

We did not get a chance to walk around to the picnic ground or even to the nearby town, but we will on our next visit.  We just have to plan it a little better.  Yesterday we got to the beach rather late so we spent all our time on the beach.  We’ll definitely be back!

Here are some pictures from the day.



Just a wanna be blogger. Father of twins +1. Caviar dreams on a McDonald's budget.

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