2/2/25 - This site is an archive of past blog posts and media. All new updates will be found at Hope you visit us there.

Security at a Price



Earlier this year our websites were hacked and we lost everything.  We lost family and vacation photos. We lost important web development codes and just about every thought we ever had about our sites.  It was a big blow to us both mentally and emotionally. 6 years of our web time down the drain.  It was a hard lesson to learn.  We are still learning.

We recently secured our sites from ‘http’ to ‘https’. While we may still be attacked in the future, we hope this new protocol will slow the hackers down. It’s like a car thief trying to steal a car.  If he sees that a car has an alarm and wheel Club, hopefully he’ll just move on to the next car.  Otherwise, it will just take him longer to break-in lol.

With a change in protocol we’ve had to disable some favorite WordPress plugins, which means we’ve lost some cool functionality.  To get those features back we would be sacrificing your safe experience on Nispiros Portal.  We wouldn’t want that.

Hacking is so wide spread, it’s scary.  Hackers get into your Twitter and Facebook accounts and ruin your reputation or worse.  So creating this secure protocol was a logical step for us.  We’ll see how it goes. . .

Meanwhile we hope you enjoy our new site.  As usual we have changed our theme that has less ‘stuff’.  Take care and see you on the web.



Just a wanna be blogger. Father of twins +1. Caviar dreams on a McDonald's budget.

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