2/2/25 - This site is an archive of past blog posts and media. All new updates will be found at Hope you visit us there.


Per Wikipedia, Mortality is the state of being mortal, or susceptible to death; the opposite of immortality.  With the recent passing of a co-worker my own mortality has been most foremost on my mind.  I look back and what I have done and try to make sense of it all.  Do I have regrets?  Probably. Can I do better?  Most definitely.  Will my family be taken care of should something happen to me today? I hope so.  Are my priorities inline with the legacy of what I want to leave behind?  All I can say is not yet, but I’m working on it.

Forgiveness Roundup

Forgiveness Roundup

While I can do things to be a better person, a better husband, a better dad, and better friend, etc. I can be more compassionate, sensitive, and generous and all the things that make a good and decent human being.  But if I really want to go out with a bang it all cost money.

Based on my Bucket List post back in 2011, I am making some progress.  I have learned how to ride a motorcycle and obtained a license (just no motorcycle lol).  I have even attended some cooking classes and have improved my cooking skills.  I haven’t traveled to Italy, but I did buy an app for my phone called, ‘Learn Italian’.  I have yet to open it and do some exercises.  My point here is that I need/would like to do more before I go.  Oh and I have yet to play and win the lotto lol.

Other than traveling, I would like to leave my kids with found memories of their childhood.  It would be cool if my kids could say, I remember when dad took us on a riverboat cruise in Sacramento or the first time we ate sushi, or the many times we used to go to the wine farm.  It would also be cool if they can remember, dad used to kiss me and tell me he loves me every night before I went to sleep.  It would be cool if they said, I loved my mom so much.  I want to love someone or be loved as much as my dad loved my mom.  So many opportunities, so little time, and only so much money to do the things I want to do.

God help me to live a meaningful and fruitful life. I am sorry for what I have done, for my thoughts, my words and for the things I have failed to do.  I am thankful for the many blessings you have given me.



Just a wanna be blogger. Father of twins +1. Caviar dreams on a McDonald's budget.

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