2/2/25 - This site is an archive of past blog posts and media. All new updates will be found at Hope you visit us there.

Little People

It was only 3 years ago that you were babies.  You were crying, crawling, and could barely express yourselves.  Now look at you.  You are jumping, talking, and crying with a real purpose.

I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted something here.  We’ve just been a little busy taking you out every weekend and taking mini vacations to Napa, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and other places that enrich your development and your senses.

You have grown so much and I see you learning everyday.  Both of you have your strengths and weaknesses and I love you both the same.  While we continue to be strict and stern, it’s for a reason.  You are our babies and we don’t want to see you hurt.  We want to instill our family values and traditions.  That means you can’t always do what you want.  It means you do have to eat at the table as a family because that’s what our parents did, and their parents before them.

We don’t want you jumping off tall places, because we don’t want to see you hurt.  We want you to understand your limitations, because right now, you don’t.  We don’t want you to waste food, because right now we are living from pay check to pay check.  What you don’t finish today could be eaten tomorrow.  What can’t be eaten tomorrow could be given to Minik and Candy.

As you see there are reasons for everything we do and say.  Trust us.  Until you come to the age of understanding, we will be holding those reigns nice and tight.  It’s what we do.  Help us, help you.

Mom and Dad



Just a wanna be blogger. Father of twins +1. Caviar dreams on a McDonald's budget.

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