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Facebook Profile

Facebook must have felt threatened by Google+ because now when I log on to Facebook I hardly recognize where I am lol.  The changes at Facebook are over-whelming and over-night.  I would try to revert to the old style of activity stream, but I am hardly on FB to care.  I usually surf the site with my Windows Mobile phone or my iPad.

The other night one of the local news stations said, what if Facebook started to charge a fee?  My inside voice said, I’d be outta there.  I don’t want to have to pay just to see friend’s updates and pictures lol.  If I wanted that, I’d visit my friend’s unexpectedly like the old days or maybe even pick up the phone like my parents used to do.  There’s no way in hell I’d pay for any social networking site.

There are other choices out there such as Google+, Twitter, Linkedin, etc.  In fact just this week I turned our Nispiros Portal into a social network of sorts.  I added BuddyPress on top of WordPress.  It may not have all the bells and whistles of all the other sites, but it has the core features of viewing friends activities, sharing pictures, stories, and many other options.  The big guys may not be around when Justice and Jasmine get old enough to jump on the computer, but at least this site will be here (God willing).

To me, all the social sites do just about the same thing, it just depends on what your needs are.  If you like all of them, then more power to ya! Out of the three – Facebook, Google+, and Twitter, I am in more favor of Facebook because all my friends are on there.  If one day they switched to someone else, I’d probably follow lol.

Who do you like and why?



Just a wanna be blogger. Father of twins +1. Caviar dreams on a McDonald's budget.

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3 Responses

  1. Peewee Magallanes says:

    Hey Roland,
    Congrats on the twins. Been a long time. You look great and so does your dad and family. I remember your Dad from the Natoma house. Me and Jeff are still in Monterey. Married 23 years (Audrey) with 3 kids. Ventana (16), Kevin (20), and Stephanie (23). Steph was born 5 months after Dad passed.
    Facebook Audrey Magallanes and you can see us. Also Jeff Magallanes@Facebook. Emil Magallanes is there too.
    Take care
    [email protected]

    • nispiros says:

      Hey Peewee, thanks for finding me. It was been forever! Glad to hear you’re still around. I’ll look you guys up on Facebook as soon as I get home.

    • nispiros says:

      I searched and search Facebook and couldn’t find anyone of you. There must be at least 15 Jeff Magallanes and 3 Audrey Magallanes, but can’t tell from the pictures. Can you send me a link to your profile. Use the Contact link on this site.

      Either that or just add me. I searched and there is only one me :)
