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Another Chapter in the Nispiros Family

A New Chapter

A New Chapter

In another week or two we will be opening another chapter in the Nispiros Family novel.  With God’s grace she will be a healthy baby girl. For now we are anxiously waiting her arrival.  We are staying close to home and not doing anything to disrupt her timeline on this Earth.

We pray that this new chapter will be filled with love, joy, and laughter. We pray that God gives us the means, the patience, and love to embrace our expanded family. As I am writing this Ebru is being pinged with kicks from the baby, who at this point is heads down ready to come out to this new world.

We hope that we will be able to meet the expectations of this new child. I know we will try out best as parents and as representatives of this humanity to be good and to always act with good intentions.

Our house is as ready as it will be. At this point Jasmine is pretty much potty trained and Justice has dreams about being potty trained.  He is a good kid, he’s just not as motivated.  I’m sure he’ll be ready when he’s ready.  But that’s another chapter. My point here is that there will only be 2 kids in diapers, not 3 lol.

For now our focus is on Ebru and the baby. God help them. Our bags are packed and ready to go!



Just a wanna be blogger. Father of twins +1. Caviar dreams on a McDonald's budget.

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